Do people have life goals when they start?

Julio Anthony Leonard
2 min readOct 7, 2018

I just graduated from college and have nothing to do with life anymore. Since we started, we already know that we need to go to elementary school, junior high, senior high, and college. Then after that work.

This life phase makes me wonder like what is work and what should I do, why would I work? What is the point of working, I kept asking myself over and over until I am tired.

In the meantime I also started reading books and writing my thoughts in my personal diaries, I also saw about the mid 20s problems where people in mid-20s basically desperate bunch teens.

but it is not me, just not me, I know I can work, But why I should work? What is work in the first place?

Then I stumbled upon this way of thinking, I realize that I can’t live alone, that we need each other. Without the people who sold food, I need to grow my own plants. Without people who go fish, I need to learn how to fish on my own. It is almost impossible for one human to reach all he needs to grow alone.

I can grow like this because of the help of others, because my parent is working, and because we already agree that money is the way of trading. We are giving value to money.

Then I realize this, that work and job is basically a trade. It is how you help others and others appreciate your help so they give you money. The more you help people, the more money you can get, the more thing you can access.

By working means, you help people achieve their goals. After attaining this mindset, then I realize that I need to work where there is a lot of people involved that people need and to truly helps people, I need the skills.

Hereby I spent 2 months to train my skills in tech, this time I became more passionate as I already know my goals. I also start going from places to places just to speak with people about their problem, about what can help them solve their problems.

That is when I realize I am growing, Now I am here in this bootcamp, training to be better and better everyday, and I wish this motivation burns forever.

This world is about helping others and let other help you, after eductaion, ready to help now?

