About Attitude

Julio Anthony Leonard
2 min readOct 12, 2018

Disclaimer: Attitude definition for me, correct me if I am wrong about this

So let’s start, what is attitude? I heard the word most of the time in conversations or writings. I think I already know what is attitude but the truth is, I don’t even know the real definition. I am assuming the meaning

Now after realizing this. I try to look for attitude meaning. The easiest way is, of course, Wikipedia, not the most correct but the easiest and easy to agree. I found out that attitude is a settled way of thinking or feeling about something

Basically it is a way on how we perceive something, either it is positive or negative based on our past or present experience

Now the question is, is there any bad or good attitude? I say no, there is no such thing as a bad attitude. There is the only conflict where people with different experience have a different kind of attitude on the same problem. That is where debate and reasoning happen.

How to train attitude? Easiest way: reading and understanding the underlying reason. We can try to experience something, it is very powerful but the experience is expensive in time and resource. It is considered super efficient if we can read a book and get to understand it

After sometimes, we can test our attitude toward something. And truly get to know whether we really understand it or not. For example, given the topics: Politics How do you perceive it? Is it positive or negative? Why is it so?

So then what is considered bad? When we have no attitude. When we can’t justify based on conditions. Which one is good and which one is bad. When we start neglecting something and stop thinking about it, that is the start of attitude deprecation.

Sometimes people say others have a bad attitude, that is kind of a fallacy, I think. Judging someone without knowing the metrics used to judge. You can say someone generous, stingy, cultured, wild, or anything else but you can’t say someone has a bad attitude. Everyone just has a different experience

